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Writer's pictureStephanie Brandolini

The Grace of Gratitude

Hello All,

So I was finishing up my final read through and edits on my chapter in an amazing anthology book I have the great privilege of being a part of with a crew of inspiring women. It’s called Womanhood ~ Identity to Intimacy and Everything In Between, coming out on e-book Nov 21st and paperback Dec 5th. 📖 💃✨

So as I was finishing it, I signed off with a recap of what my journey’s been like and I was struck by the gratitude that suddenly welled up in me and broke through some serious resistance I was having to putting my work out there. 🔥

And that’s a feeling that’s actually tied into my own novel I’m writing called Bridging the Digital divide. My character literally feels this outpouring of gratitude which powers her energetic ability. 💥🤯

Guess you can tell I write from emotions, eh? Which is funny because I used to think they were weaknesses. 🤍🖤

If there’s anything I’ve learned lately it’s the mindfuck of a paradoxical dichotomies we we live by, and that theme of weakness being strength has come up for me way too many times to be a coincidence—which, come on, not much is. ☯️

Anyway, I ended up writing a quick poem about it and wanted to share. 📜

This was written for the feels that strike you… ⚡️

It’s been told time and time again in so many ways but I have to tell you, when that moment of gratitude giving back to you hits…

It’s the ultimate flow. 🌀

If I had to write a poem about it…

This is how it’d go. 🖋️✨

In the embrace of Libra’s flow...

Choosing what will stay

And what will go.

A journey inward soon reveals...

The grace of one’s gratitude

Unequivocally heals.

So yeah, that’s what it felt like. 🌈

PS. It’s Libra season and I am a Libra—any fellow Libra’s feeling the feels extra hard lately? ♎💫

👇✉️ 👇✉️ 👇✉️ 👇✉️ 👇✉️ 👇

Stay Weird and Be Heard! 🌟

Love, 💖

Steph Brandolini 🔮✨

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